
My Blogging Disclaimer – It isn’t you, really it isn’t

I have found that a strong frame around what I am writing goes a long way to easing my day and ensuring that I am able to live some of my strongest values – seeing people as people, connecting to them as people, starting from where they are at (and accepting where that is even if it is hard to see from my perspective), seeing past the emotions and words and ideas to the person who is experiencing and sharing their world. The other frame that is important here is how my experience and reflections are generated. I engage with and share and reflect with people from a wide range of spaces and places and I reflect on common patterns that I am seeing and remembering and hearing – which is a long way of saying should you think you recognize yourself or someone you know in what I reflect, then I have done my job in accurately reflecting a pattern and more importantly, ummm….probably not! Which is not to say that something I experienced isn’t part of [...]

Embedding Agility from the Inside – Shifting Focus from the Present to the Future Now

October 22nd, 2021|Categories: 1 building Delivery Cultures, 3 Empowering the People, 4 enabling Leaders|Tags: , , |

When you work in Agile Transformations you start to notice trends - things that happen regardless of the organisation. One of these is how internal talent is activated and leveraged. What do I mean ? Well a Ways of Working [...]

Delivery Culture Anchors – Safety, Ghosting and Feedback

September 11th, 2021|Categories: 1 building Delivery Cultures, 3 Empowering the People, 4 enabling Leaders, Personal Mastery|Tags: , , , , , , |

The REAL Effect of Ghosting People | Simon Sinek - YouTube It's a tricky balance working on shifting from here to something over 'there'. Tricky because until you know your starting point it is hard to pick first steps. If [...]

Connections Drive Delivery Cultures

September 8th, 2021|Categories: 1 building Delivery Cultures, 3 Empowering the People, Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

I was having a conversation with an amazing life coach around the different value people place on relationships and how that impacts delivery.  We got to talking about delivery approaches that focus on relationships as a product of the tasks [...]

The Agile Delivery Engine : Actively Creating Cultures of Collaboration (Leveraging Harmony)

September 7th, 2021|Categories: 1 building Delivery Cultures, Seeing Culture|Tags: , |

A long title, so let me try and unpack. One of the noticeable differences in an agile delivery culture is how the people inside that system interact and the word that describes this is collaboration. One of the ways to [...]

Creating Powerful Delivery Cultures – Escaping the Blame Trap

September 3rd, 2021|Categories: 1 building Delivery Cultures, 3 Empowering the People, Blog|Tags: , , , |

I am fascinated with one question, what does it take to create exceptional performance ? What makes one team, one individual succeed in this and another not ? Having held the Guinness World Record for the Deepest dive by [...]

The ONE thing that Kills Agile – Giving Advice (Part 2)

April 22nd, 2020|Categories: 5 supporting delivery with Agile Coaching, Blog, Crafting the Change Journey|Tags: , , , , |

This is the 4th and last part in a series of blogs that revolve around one of the strongest and most damaging anti-patterns for Agile, Agile Coaches and Agile Leadership. It is also a key element in the Coaching Levers [...]

The one thing we all do that kills Agile – Giving Advice (Part 1)

April 18th, 2020|Categories: 3 Empowering the People, 5 supporting delivery with Agile Coaching, Blog, Crafting the Change Journey|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This is the first part in a series of blogs that revolve around one of the strongest and most damaging anti-patterns for Agile, Agile Coaches and Agile Leadership. It is also a key element in the Coaching Levers - Lever [...]

Shifting into being an Agile Leader – How to leverage the power of Agile as a Leader

April 17th, 2020|Categories: 3 Empowering the People, 4 enabling Leaders, Blog|Tags: , , |

I have been playing with some patterns and anti-patterns to support leaders who are shifting into a way of leading that leverages the delivery potential of an agile transformation. Because like it or not, one of the most significant limitations [...]

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